Wednesday, February 16, 2011


"  We are taught to think of our success in terms of numbers
If touching one person's life is a good thing,
then touching one thousands people lives must be a great thing,
It's easy to see where we learned to think this way
Our whole society revolves around mass production
The more units we can move
The more customers we can serve
The more boats we can get
The more money and the more stuff we have, the better, right?
Maybe it's not possible to touch one thousand peoples thinking,
or as powerfully as one person
Maybe it's not really so revolutionary after all,
to have one person out of a group of twenty, tell everybody else what's right
Wouldn't it be better if we tried a decentralized approach
where everyone works closely with those around them,
instead of a few people waiting in anonymous mass?
Do you have to save the world all by yourself,
why don't you trust someone else to do it with you?  "
- The Ocean and The Sun, 2008

Look at these lyrics. Anthony Green that crazy motherfucker. 
His imagination is like acid on acid! 

Anthony Green is great, but hey don't get it twisted, the entire band (Circa) is legendary.

FF #circasurvive #thesoundofanimalsfighting #anthonygreen 

*Seronok telinga memandang sedap lagi mata dijuling. Ahhhhh!

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